The Mountain Goat is very efficient because the spiral riffles inside of the tube turn and bring the heavy materials up to the high end of the tube at the same time as allowing the lighter materials to drift out of the back of the tube as tailings. This system makes the trommel self-cleaning, which gets rid of the want to break down for clean-up as is necessary with sluice box type equipment.
The Mountain Goat Trommel is the very best companion to the Desert Fox Spiral Panning Machine as it can straight away feed the Desert Fox the usage of the custom designed accessories making you a one-man small mining operation.
The Mountain Goat can be utilized in a large tray, any such mortar mixing tub, with about 5 gallons of water which is then recirculated by a 750 gallon per hour pump. It will also be used straight away in a stream.
The MOUNTAIN GOAT TROMMEL is a reverse helix trommel
Speed up your gold processing work and increase gold recovery
Light and portable
This system makes the trommel self-cleaning, which gets rid of the want to break down for clean-up as is necessary with sluice box type equipment
The front legs of the trommel are adjustable to increase the pitch